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Rabbit Chicken IgY  antibody (bs-0432R-BF750)
订购QQ:  400-901-9800
说明书: 100ul  
产品编号 bs-0432R-BF750
英文名称 Rabbit Chicken IgY  antibody
中文名称 BF750标记的兔抗鸡IgY H&L抗体
别    名 Egg yolk immunoglobulin; IgY.  
克隆类型 Polyclonal
交叉反应 Chicken
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
亚    型
产品介绍 In chickens, immunoglobulin Y is the functional equivalent to Immunoglobulin G (IgG). Like IgG, it is composed of two light and two heavy chains. Structurally, these two types of immunoglobulin differ primarily in the heavy chains, which in IgY have a molecular mass of about 65,100 atomic mass units (amu), and are thus larger than in IgG. The light chains in IgY, with a molar mass of about 18,700 amu, are somewhat smaller than the light chains in IgG. The molar mass of IgY thus amounts to about 167,000 amu. The steric flexibility of the IgY molecule is less than that of IgG.Functionally, IgY is partially comparable to Immunoglobulin E (IgE), as well as to IgG. However, in contrast to IgG, IgY does not bind to Protein A, to Protein G, or to cellular Fc receptors. Furthermore, IgY does not activate the complement system. The name Immunoglobulin Y was suggested in 1969 by G.A. Leslie and L.W. Clem, after they were able to show differences between the immunoglobulins found in chicken eggs, and immunoglobulin G. Other synonymous names are Chicken IgG, Egg Yolk IgG, and 7S-IgG.

鸡卵黄免疫球蛋白G抗体是一种7S免疫球蛋白,与哺乳动物IgG略有不同。该蛋白质分子量约为180kDa,含两个亚单位,即67~70kDa的重链和22~30kDa的轻链,又称IgY(Yolk immunoglobulin),存在于免疫后母鸡的卵黄中。
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