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APC Conjugation Kit (BA00117)
订购QQ:  400-901-9800
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产品编号 BA00117
英文名称 APC Conjugation Kit
中文名称 APC标记试剂盒
别    名 Allophycocyanin (APC) Conjugation Kit; Allophycocyanin Conjugation Kit;   Lightning-Link® Allophycocyanin; Allophycocyanin标记试剂盒; APC抗体标记试剂盒; APC蛋白标记试剂盒; Allophycocyanin蛋白标记试剂盒; 标记试剂盒; 荧光标记试剂盒; 荧光素标记试剂盒;
保存条件 The kit is shipped at ambient temperature in a tamper-evident polypropylene container. Store the kits at -20⁰C upon receipt.
Please note that the modifier and quencher after initial thawing can be stored at either 4⁰C or -20⁰C.
注意事项 This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
产品介绍 The Allophycocyanin (APC) antibody labeling kit enables the direct conjugation of antibodies, proteins and peptides, or any other biomolecule with an available amine group, to APC with only 30 seconds hands-on time and with 100% recovery of materials. The technology is fully scalable from 10ug to 1g or more and stringently QC tested for consistent high quality and excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility.
Allophycocyanin (APC) is a phycobiliprotein isolated from Spirulina sp., a blue-green alga. Like other phycobiliproteins, APC is fluorescent, with an extremely high absorptivity and a high quantum efficiency. It is a protein which can be easily linked to antibodies and other proteins by conventional protein cross-linking techniques without altering its spectral characteristics.

版权所有 2004-2026 www.bioss.com.cn 北京博奥森生物技术有限公司
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