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Aβ1-16 Peptide (bs-0104P)
订购QQ:  400-901-9800
说明书: 500ug  
产品编号 bs-0104P
英文名称 Aβ1-16 Peptide
中文名称 β淀粉样肽1-16 多肽
别    名 beta Amyloid(1-16); beta Amyloid 1-16; beta-Amyloid 1-16; Amyloid 1-16; A4; AAA; ABETA; ABPP; AD1; Alzheimers Disease Amyloid Protein; Amyloid B; Amyloid Beta A4 Protein Precursor; Amyloid Beta; Amyloid of Aging and Alzheimer Disease; APP; APPI; B Amyloid; Beta APP; Cerebral Vascular Amyloid Peptide; CTFgamma; CVAP; PN II; PN2; PreA4; Protease nexin II; A beta; A4_HUMAN.  
性    状 Lyophilized
物    种 human
纯化方法 HPLC
活性 Yes
保存条件 Shipped at 4℃. Stored at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
产品介绍 Amyloid beta (Aβ or Abeta) denotes peptides of 36–43 amino acids that are crucially involved in Alzheimer's disease as the main component of the amyloid plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer patients. The peptides derive from the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is cleaved by beta secretase and gamma secretase to yield Aβ. Aβ molecules can aggregate to form flexible soluble oligomers which may exist in several forms. It is now believed that certain misfolded oligomers (known as "seeds") can induce other Aβ molecules to also take the misfolded oligomeric form, leading to a chain reaction akin to a prion infection. The oligomers are toxic to nerve cells. The other protein implicated in Alzheimer's disease, tau protein, also forms such prion-like misfolded oligomers, and there is some evidence that misfolded Aβ can induce tau to misfold.


Gene ID:

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